Americans Would Miss Their Favorite College Football Teams More Than Iconic Brands

August 2023

Even as another round of realignment engulfs college football, Americans retain stronger connections with their favorite college football teams than several leading brands.

According to a recent survey of brand strength by Meyocks, a branding and marketing agency, Americans would be more disappointed if they couldn’t watch their favorite college football team for a year than if they had to live without brands such as Apple, Coca-Cola and Nike. Only buyers of Patagonia apparel and John Deere lawn mowers would miss their brands more among the 14 brands tested.

In addition, the study found that Americans in western states would miss their favorite college football teams less those in the South or Midwest.

“This might confirm the dilemma for what was once the Pac-12 – the challenge that folks out west believe they have better things to do on their Saturdays in the fall, perhaps wearing their Patagonia, than watch college football,” says Doug Jeske, president of Meyocks.

Favorite Restaurants and Alcoholic Beverages

The Meyocks study also found that favorite restaurants have stronger ties than favorite college football teams or alcoholic beverages. Consumers would miss their favorite restaurant more than Starbucks, their favorite college football team more than screen time on Facebook and their favorite alcoholic beverage more than Coca-Cola.

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